Da eine oder mehrere betroffen …


Gillmann Melitta1


1. Universität HamburgFakultät für Geisteswissenschaften, Fachbereich Sprache, Literatur, Medien I, Institut für GermanistikÜberseering 35, D-22297HamburgDeutschland


AbstractBased on a corpus study conducted using the GerManC corpus (1650–1800), the paper sketches the functional and sociosymbolic development of subordinate clause constructions introduced by the subjunctor da ‘since’ in different text genres. In the second half of the 17th and the first half of the 18th century, the da clauses were characterized by semantic vagueness: Besides temporal, spatial and causal relations, the subjunctor established conditional, concessive, and adversative links between clauses. The corpus study reveals that different genres are crucial to the readings of da clauses. Spatial and temporal usages, for example, occur more often in sermons than in other genres. The conditional reading, in contrast, strongly tends to occur in legal texts, where it displays very high frequency. This could be the reason why da clauses carry indexical meaning in contemporary German and are associated with formal language. Over the course of the 18th century, the causal usages increase in all genres. Surprisingly, these causal da clauses tend to be placed in front of the matrix clause despite the overall tendency of causal clauses to follow the matrix clause.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Linguistics and Language,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Language and Linguistics

Reference162 articles.

1. Formen der Konnexion;Text- und Gesprächslinguistik. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung. 1. Halbbd,2000

2. Uneingeleitete Nebensätze mit konditionaler Semantik im Mittelniederdeutschen;Niederdeutsche Syntax,2012

3. Causal inference or conventionalized meaning? A corpus study of the German connector nachdem ‘after’ in regional standard varieties;Folia Linguistica 52.2,2018

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