Anwendung der Weitwinkelinterferenzen zur Untersuchung von akusto-elektrischen Gitterschwingungen in Kadmiumsulfid / Application of the Pseudo-Kossel-Line-Technique for the Investigation of Acoustoelectric Lattice Jibrations in Cadmium Sulfide
Kies Jörg1,
Peibst Herbert1
1. Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Elektronenphysik
Changes in absolute and relative intensities of Pseudo-Kossel lines from crystals containing lattice vibrations were observed. Since the relation between vibration amplitude and intensity modification is known theoretically, vector amplitudes and gain factors of the acoustoelectric amplification can be determined. Advantages of this method are discussed.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy,Mathematical Physics