1. Heiligenberg-Institut (Arbeitsgruppe Radiobiologie und Pharmakologie), Heiligenberg/Baden und Radiologisches Institut der Universität Freiburg i. Br.
Whole body X-ray radiation of rats led to a biphasic increase in the corticosteroid content of the adrenal glands, of the venous blood of the adrenal gland, and of the peripheral blood. The first phase began about one hour after radiation and was clearly discernible after 2.5 hours. After a temporary normalisation period, the second increase was detectable after 72 hours. It was considerably larger than the first. The changes in adrenal and blood corticosteroids changed in parallel; there was no indication of inhibition of adrenal secretions. Ether narcosis increased the corticosteroid level in the blood. Sham irradiation of previously not accustomed rats caused a significant increase in the corticosteroids of peripheral blood, but not of the adrenal gland. This effect was not found in previously accustomed animals.
The results show no indication of a drop in corticosteroids in the blood and adrenal gland after whole body X-ray exposure.
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