1. Rosas of Buenos Aires Sport Club , Buenos Aires , Argentina
2. Department of Physical Activity Sciences, Research Nucleus in Health , Physical Activity and Sport , Universidad de Los Lagos , Osorno , Chile
3. Laboratory of Exercise Sciences , MEDS Clinic , Santiago , Chile
4. Department of Physical Education , Sport and Recreation , Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile
5. Laboratory of Physiology and Biomechanics , Universidad Autónoma de Chile , Temuco , Chile
6. Laboratory of Physiology , Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences , Universidad Andrés Bello , Viña del Mar , Chile
7. Laboratory of Exercise Sciences, Movement Solutions , Viña del Mar , Chile
8. Canadian Sport Institute Pacific , Vancouver , Canada
9. Canadian Soccer Association , Ottawa , Canada
10. Centre for Sports and Exercise Science , School of Biological Sciences , University of Essex , Colchester , United Kingdom
11. The College of Healthcare Sciences , James Cook University , Queensland , Australia
12. Department of Medicine and Aging Sciences , “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara , Chieti , Italy
13. Nucleus of High Performance in Sport - NAR , São Paulo, SP , Brazil
14. Faculty of Physical Culture, Sport and Recreation , Santo Tomás University , Bogotá, DC , Colombia
15. Department of Health Sciences , Public University of Navarre , Navarra , Spain