Archäologische Forschungen am Karacadağ und eine hieroglyphenluwische Inschrift aus Karaören


Maner Çiğdem1,Weeden Mark2,Alparslan Metin3


1. Koç University , Department of Archaeology and History of Art , Rumeli Feneri Yolu, Sarıyer-Istanbul , Turkey Turkey

2. Department of Greek and Latin , University College London , London , UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

3. Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters , Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures , Ordu Caddesi , Laleli-Istanbul , Turkey Turkey


Abstract This essay presents a partial report of surveys on the Karacadağ (Konya), which have been carried out since 2016 due to the find of a fragment of a hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from the 13th century BC at the village of Karaören. The results of the survey allow a holistic understanding of the material and topographic conditions which led to the writing, re-use and then find of the inscription. The inscription is presented and a possible historical-geographical framework both of this and of other related texts is explained, whereby it seems probable that there was an important military-strategic border here. The survey and associated ethnographic research established the importance of the freshwater springs on the Karacadağ, as well as the continuous re-use of stones attesting a profound cultural memory that runs from the Hittite period through a populous Byzantine occupation up until modern applications by the inhabitants of the Karacadağ.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Linguistics and Language,History,Language and Linguistics,Cultural Studies

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