Intermarine Area Archaeology and its Contribution to Studies of Prehistoric Europe


Kośko Aleksander1ORCID,Szmyt Marzena12ORCID,Makarowicz Przemysław1ORCID,Ignaczak Marcin1ORCID


1. Faculty of Archaeology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań , 7, Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego Str. , 61-614 Poznań , Poland

2. Archaeological Museum , 27, Wodna str. , Poznań , Poland


Abstract Intermarine Area Archaeology refers to research programmes focusing on the prehistory of the Baltic-Pontic Intermarine Area, i.e. lands extending between the Baltic and Black seas. This article outlines the development stages and current state of Intermarine Area Archaeology in Poland, being one of the several important research studies into the prehistory of the continent in the Eneolithic, Bronze, and Early Iron Ages. The authors concentrate on the southern portion of the Intermarine Area that covers the Black Sea catchment area. When describing the current state of the Polish conceptual and research contribution to Intermarine Area Archaeology, space shall be given to the programme offer, formation of international research teams, and research specializations.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH



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