Socioeconomic, Technological, and Cultural Adaptation of the Mesolithic Population in Central-Eastern Cantabria (Spain) in the Early and Middle Holocene


Mercedes Pérez-Bartolomé1


1. Independent Researcher , Santander , Cantabria , Spain


Abstract This article presents the research on the palaeoenvironmental changes that took place at the end of the Tardiglacial, in the early and middle Holocene, observed in sites of anthropic origin in central-eastern Cantabria. Through the comparative analysis of the economy, the settlement pattern, and the industries of the Azilian and Mesolithic settlements, we try to infer the repercussions they could have had on the last hunter-gatherers, in order to adapt to the modification of the territory, the change in the available resources, and the socio-economic consequences they could have had on the settlement. The radiocarbon record of central-eastern Cantabria and the Cantabrian region (Northern Spain) between 9.5 and 7.9 ka cal BP is analysed in order to assess the impact of the cold events that occurred in 9.3 and 8.2 ka cal BP, identified in the palaeoenvironment.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH



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