1. Universität Dortmund, Anorganische Chemie, Postfach 500500, D-4600 Dortmund 50
The crystal structure of SCl3
- is reported.
The mean S-Cl stretching frequency ν̄ of the SCl3
+ cations, weighted according to the degree of degeneration, in the different SCl3
+X- salts is directly proportional to the mean S-CI distance r̄scl, the force constant fSCl and the sulfur. . . anion distance (Cl3S+. . . X-).
That SCI3
+Cl- should be isostructural with PCl4
, the large variation in the S-CI stretching frequencies in the SCl3
+X- salts is due to cation-anion interaction forces
Cited by
17 articles.