1. 1Fachrichtung Anorganische Chemie der Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken, D-6600 Saarbrücken
Abstract Polysulfides dissolved in non-aqueous solvents react under anaerobic conditions with nitric oxide to yield solutions of nitrosodisulfides. Through the action of NO upon (PNP)2S12 1 [P = P(C6H5)3] in acetone a stable compound PNP · SSNO 2 could be obtained. 2 proved to be identical with a red PNP-salt which had been isolated as a product of the reaction of PNP·NO2 with sulfur in acetone, hitherto taken for PNP · SSNO2. Clearly the product 3 of the action of triphenylphosphane upon 2 has to be regarded as PNP·SNO.
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35 articles.