1. Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Universität Würzburg, Am H ubland, D-8700 Würzburg
The complexes trans-[M(PR3)2(SO)Cl] (M = Rh. Ir; R = isopropyl, cyclohexyl) were synthesized from [(C8H14)2MCl]2, PR3 and C2H4SO. The X-ray structure of [Ir(P/Pr3)2(SO)Cl] shows the sulfur monoxide to be coordinated in a bent η1 fashion. A bonding model is pro- posed which explains the similarity between SO- and SO2-complexes. Peracid oxidation trans- forms coordinated SO to SO2. CO displaces SO via isolable 5-coordinated intermediates [Ir(PR3)2(CO)(SO)Cl].
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26 articles.