Room temperature X-ray absorption spectroscopy of metalloenzymes with drop-on-demand sample delivery at XFELs


Bogacz Isabel1ORCID,Makita Hiroki1ORCID,Simon Philipp S.1ORCID,Zhang Miao1ORCID,Doyle Margaret D.1ORCID,Chatterjee Ruchira1ORCID,Fransson Thomas2ORCID,Weninger Clemens3ORCID,Fuller Franklin4ORCID,Gee Leland4ORCID,Sato Takahiro4ORCID,Seaberg Matthew4ORCID,Alonso-Mori Roberto4ORCID,Bergmann Uwe5ORCID,Yachandra Vittal K.1ORCID,Kern Jan1ORCID,Yano Junko1ORCID


1. Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , 1 Cyclotron Road, 94720 , Berkeley , CA , USA

2. Department of Theoretical chemistry and Biology , KTH Royal Institute of Technology , Stockholm , Sweden

3. MAX IV Laboratory , Lund University , Lund , Sweden

4. LCLS, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory , 94025 , Menlo Park , CA , USA

5. Department of Physics , University of Wisconsin-Madison , 53706 , Madison , WI , USA


Abstract X-ray crystallography and X-ray spectroscopy using X-ray free electron lasers plays an important role in understanding the interplay of structural changes in the protein and the chemical changes at the metal active site of metalloenzymes through their catalytic cycles. As a part of such an effort, we report here our recent development of methods for X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at XFELs to study dilute biological samples, available in limited volumes. Our prime target is Photosystem II (PS II), a multi subunit membrane protein complex, that catalyzes the light-driven water oxidation reaction at the Mn4CaO5 cluster. This is an ideal system to investigate how to control multi-electron/proton chemistry, using the flexibility of metal redox states, in coordination with the protein and the water network. We describe the method that we have developed to collect XAS data using PS II samples with a Mn concentration of <1 mM, using a drop-on-demand sample delivery method.


National Institutes of Health

U.S. Department of Energy


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Chemical Engineering,General Chemistry

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