1. Beyond the Codices= Anderson, Arthur J. O., Frances Berdan & James Lockhart. 1976. Beyond the codices. The Nahua view of Colonial Mexico. Berkeley & Los Angeles & London: University of California Press.
2. Codex Florentinus= Anderson, Arthur J. O. & Charles E. Dibble. 1970–1982. Florentine Codex. General history of the things of New Spain. Fray Bernardino de Sahagún. vol. 12. Santa Fé & New Mexico, Salt Lake City & Utah: The School of American Research.
3. Colhuacan= Lehmann, Walter & Gerdt Kutscher. 1974. Die Geschichte der Königreiche von Colhuacan und Mexico. Stuttgart etc.: Kohlhammer.
4. Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2000. Classifiers. A typology of noun categorization devices. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Andrews, J. Richard. 2003. Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, Revised edition. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.