Galeno sulla lunghezza di un’epitome da Didimo: De indolentia 24 a BJP (= 121–122 KS). ἐν ἑξακισχιλίοις στίχοις versus ἐν ἓξ βιβλίοις


Perilli Lorenzo1


1. Università di Roma Tor Vergata , Centro Studi “Forme del sapere nel mondo antico”, Dipartimento di Studi letterari , filosofici e di storia dell’arte, via Columbia 1 , Roma Italy


Abstract The article proposes a correction of a passage of Galen’s De indolentia, alternative to the one accepted so far. The correction ἐν ἓξ βιβλίοις (“in six books”) is proposed, as alternative to the text hitherto accepted, itself due to a conjectural intervention, ἐν ἑξακισχιλίοις στίχοις (“in six thousand lines”): the manuscript Vlatadon 14 bears an impossible ἐν ἑξακισχιλίοις βιβλίοις (“in six thousand books”). At issue is the length of the epitome made by Galen of the lexicographical works of Didymus on the terminology of ancient comedy. The paper argues that the error of the manuscript could be due to the habit of writing numerals as a single letter accompanied by an apex (here probably a digamma, or perhaps a stigma), and that, when referring to his own works, Galen normally uses the book as his unit of measurement. Finally, it is hypothesized that a length of six thousand stichoi might have been too short for an epitome of the work of Didymus.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Literature and Literary Theory,Linguistics and Language,History,Language and Linguistics,Classics

Reference19 articles.

1. Galien, Ne pas se chagriner, ed. trad. comm. J. Jouanna/V. Boudon-Millot, avec la collaboration de A. Pietrobelli, Paris 2010 (= BJP).

2. Galenou Peri Alypias, ed. e trad. P. Kotzia/P. Sotiroudis, Hellenica 60, 2010, 63–150 (= KS).

3. Galen, Avoiding distress, trad. di V. Nutton, in: Galen, Psychological Writings, ed. P. N. Singer, Cambridge 2013.

4. Galeni Vocum Hippocratis Glossarium, CMG V 13, 1, ed. L. Perilli, Berlin 2017 a.

5. Greek Medical Papyri I, ed. I. Andorlini, Firenze 2001.







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