1. Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University , Tehran , Iran
2. Department of Mathematics, Islamshahr Branch , Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr , Tehran , Iran
3. Department of Pure Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences , Tarbiat Modares University , Tehran , 14115–134 , Iran
Let X and Y be compact Hausdorff spaces, E be a real or complex Banach space and F be a real or complex locally convex topological vector space. In this paper we study a pair of linear operators S, T : A(X, E) → C(Y, F) from a subspace A(X, E) of C(X, E) to C(Y, F), which are jointly separating, in the sense that Tf and Sg have disjoint cozeros whenever f and g have disjoint cozeros. We characterize the general form of such maps between certain classes of vector-valued (as well as scalar-valued) spaces of continuous functions including spaces of vector-valued Lipschitz functions, absolutely continuous functions and continuously differentiable functions. The results can be applied to a pair T : A(X) → C(Y) and S : A(X, E) → C(Y, F) of linear operators, where A(X) is a regular Banach function algebra on X, such that f ⋅ g = 0 implies Tf ⋅ Sg = 0, for all f ∈ A(X) and g ∈ A(X, E). If T and S are jointly separating bijections between Banach algebras of scalar-valued functions of this class, then they induce a homeomorphism between X and Y and, furthermore, T
−1 and S
−1 are also jointly separating maps.