Accurate determination of production data of the non-standard positron emitter 86Y via the 86Sr(p,n)-reaction


Uddin M. Shuza123,Scholten Bernhard1,Basunia M. Shamsuzzhoha2,Sudár Sandor4,Spellerberg Stefan1,Voyles Andrew S.2,Morrell Jonathan T.2,Zaneb Haleema2,Rios Jesus A.2,Spahn Ingo1,Bernstein Lee A.2,Neumaier Bernd1,Qaim Syed M.1


1. Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin, INM-5: Nuklearchemie , Forschungszentrum Jülich , 52425 Jülich , Germany

2. Nuclear Science Division , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , Berkeley , CA , 94720 , USA

3. Tandem Accelerator Facilities , INST , Atomic Energy Research Establishment , Savar , Dhaka , Bangladesh

4. Institute of Experimental Physics , Debrecen University , Debrecen , 4001 , Hungary


Abstract In view of several significant discrepancies in the excitation function of the 86Sr(p,n)86g+xmY reaction which is the method of choice for the production of the non-standard positron emitter 86Y for theranostic application, we carried out a careful measurement of the cross sections of this reaction from its threshold up to 16.2 MeV at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) and from 14.3 to 24.5 MeV at LBNL. Thin samples of 96.4% enriched 86SrCO3 were prepared by sedimentation and, after irradiation with protons in a stacked-form, the induced radioactivity was measured by high-resolution γ-ray spectrometry. The projectile flux was determined by using the monitor reactions natCu(p,xn)62,63,65Zn and natTi(p,x)48V, and the calculated proton energy for each sample was verified by considering the ratios of two reaction products of different thresholds. The experimental cross section data obtained agreed well with the results of a nuclear model calculation based on the code TALYS. From the cross section data, the integral yield of 86Y was calculated. Over the optimum production energy range Ep = 14 → 7 MeV the yield of 86Y amounts to 291 MBq/μA for 1 h irradiation time. This value is appreciably lower than the previous literature values calculated from measured and evaluated excitation functions. It is, however, more compatible with the experimental yields of 86Y obtained in clinical scale production runs. The levels of the isotopic impurities 87mY, 87gY, and 88Y were also estimated and found to be <2% in sum.


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

University of South Alabama


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry







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