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3. Berkhoff, K. C. 2008b. “The Great Famine in Light of German Invasion and Occupation.” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 30 (1/4): 165–81.
4. Berkhoff, K. C. 2011. “Babi Yar: Site of Mass Murder, Ravine and Oblivion.” J. B. and Maurice, C. Annual Lecture. Also available at https://www.ushmm.org/m/pdfs/Publication_OP_2011-02.pdf (accessed December 7, 2022).
5. Berkhoff, K. 2012. “Babyn Yar: Mistse naimashtabnogo roztrilu evreiv nazystamy v Radians’komu Soiuzi.” In Babyn Yar: masove ubyvstvo i pam’iat’pro ni’ogo. Materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii 24–25 zhovtnia 2011 r., m. Kyiv (“Babyn Yar: The place of the largest execution of Jews by the Nazis in the Soviet Union.” In Babyn Yar: Mass murder and its memory. Proceedings of the International Scholarly Conference, October 24–25, 2011, Kyiv), edited by V. Nachmanovich. Kyiv: Ukrains’kyi tsentr vyvchennia istorii Golocostu (Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies).