Good reporting practice for thermophysical and thermochemical property measurements (IUPAC Technical Report)


Bazyleva Ala1,Abildskov Jens2,Anderko Andrzej3,Baudouin Olivier4,Chernyak Yury5,de Hemptinne Jean-Charles6,Diky Vladimir1,Dohrn Ralf7,Elliott J. Richard8,Jacquemin Johan910,Jaubert Jean-Noel11,Joback Kevin G.12,Kattner Ursula R.13,Kontogeorgis Georgios M.2,Loria Herbert14,Mathias Paul M.15,O’Connell John P.16,Schröer Wolffram17,Smith G. Jeffrey18,Soto Ana19,Wang Shu20,Weir Ronald D.21


1. Applied Chemicals and Materials Division , National Institute of Standards and Technology , 325 Broadway , Mailstop 647.01 , Boulder , CO 80305-3337 , USA

2. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering , Technical University of Denmark (DTU) , Søltofts Plads, Building 229 , 2800 Kgs. Lyngby , Denmark

3. OLI Systems Inc. , 2 Gatehall Dr , Suite 1D , Parsippany , NJ 07054 , USA

4. ProSim SA, Immeuble Stratege A , 51 rue Ampere , F-31670 Labege , France

5. Huntsman Corporation , 8600 Gosling Rd. , The Woodlands , TX 77381 , USA

6. IFP Energies Nouvelles , 1&4 Avenue de Bois-Préau , F-92852 Rueil Malmaison Cedex , France

7. Bayer AG, Engineering & Technology, Process Technologies , Building E41 , 51368 Leverkusen , Germany

8. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department , The University of Akron , Akron , OH 44325-3906 , USA

9. Laboratoire PCM2E, Faculté des Sciences , Université de Tours , Parc Grandmont , 37200 Tours , France

10. Materials Science and Nano-Engineering , Mohammed VI Polytechnic University , Lot 660-Hay Moulay Rachid , 43150 , Ben Guerir , Morocco

11. Université de Lorraine, École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques , Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés (UMR CNRS 7274) , 1 rue Grandville , 54000 Nancy , France

12. Molecular Knowledge Systems, Inc. , PO Box 10755 , Bedford , NH 03110-0755 , USA

13. Materials Science and Engineering Division , National Institute of Standards and Technology , 100 Bureau Dr. , Stop 8555 , Gaithersburg , MD 20899 , USA

14. Virtual Materials Group, A Schlumberger Technology , #300, 3553-31 Street NW, Calgary , T2L 2K7 Alberta , Canada

15. Fluor Corporation , 3 Polaris Way , Aliso Viejo , CA 92656 , USA

16. University of Virginia (Retired) , Nipomo , CA 93444 , USA

17. Fachbereich 2 Chemie-Biologie , Universität Bremen , Leobener Straße NWII , 28359 Bremen , Germany

18. Eastman Chemical Company , Building 54D , 200 South Wilcox Drive , Kingsport , TN 37660 , USA

19. Department of Chemical Engineering , Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Cretus Institute , 15782 Santiago de Compostela , Spain

20. AspenTech , 20 Crosby Drive , Bedford , MA 01730 , USA

21. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Royal Military College of Canada , P.O. Box 17000 , Stn Forces , Kingston , K7K 7B4 ON , Canada


Abstract Scientific projects frequently involve measurements of thermophysical, thermochemical, and other related properties of chemical compounds and materials. These measured property data have significant potential value for the scientific community, but incomplete and inaccurate reporting often hampers their utilization. The present IUPAC Technical Report summarizes the needs of chemical engineers and researchers as consumers of these data and shows how publishing practices can improve information transfer. In the Report, general principles of Good Reporting Practice are developed together with examples illustrating typical cases of reporting issues. Adoption of these principles will improve the quality, reproducibility, and usefulness of experimental data, bring a better level of consistency to results, and increase the efficiency and impact of research. Closely related to Good Reporting Practice, basic elements of Good Research Practice are also introduced with a goal to reduce the number of ambiguities and unresolved problems within the thermophysical property data domain.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Chemical Engineering,General Chemistry

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