1. Applied Chemicals and Materials Division , National Institute of Standards and Technology , 325 Broadway , Mailstop 647.01 , Boulder , CO 80305-3337 , USA
2. Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering , Technical University of Denmark (DTU) , Søltofts Plads, Building 229 , 2800 Kgs. Lyngby , Denmark
3. OLI Systems Inc. , 2 Gatehall Dr , Suite 1D , Parsippany , NJ 07054 , USA
4. ProSim SA, Immeuble Stratege A , 51 rue Ampere , F-31670 Labege , France
5. Huntsman Corporation , 8600 Gosling Rd. , The Woodlands , TX 77381 , USA
6. IFP Energies Nouvelles , 1&4 Avenue de Bois-Préau , F-92852 Rueil Malmaison Cedex , France
7. Bayer AG, Engineering & Technology, Process Technologies , Building E41 , 51368 Leverkusen , Germany
8. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department , The University of Akron , Akron , OH 44325-3906 , USA
9. Laboratoire PCM2E, Faculté des Sciences , Université de Tours , Parc Grandmont , 37200 Tours , France
10. Materials Science and Nano-Engineering , Mohammed VI Polytechnic University , Lot 660-Hay Moulay Rachid , 43150 , Ben Guerir , Morocco
11. Université de Lorraine, École Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques , Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés (UMR CNRS 7274) , 1 rue Grandville , 54000 Nancy , France
12. Molecular Knowledge Systems, Inc. , PO Box 10755 , Bedford , NH 03110-0755 , USA
13. Materials Science and Engineering Division , National Institute of Standards and Technology , 100 Bureau Dr. , Stop 8555 , Gaithersburg , MD 20899 , USA
14. Virtual Materials Group, A Schlumberger Technology , #300, 3553-31 Street NW, Calgary , T2L 2K7 Alberta , Canada
15. Fluor Corporation , 3 Polaris Way , Aliso Viejo , CA 92656 , USA
16. University of Virginia (Retired) , Nipomo , CA 93444 , USA
17. Fachbereich 2 Chemie-Biologie , Universität Bremen , Leobener Straße NWII , 28359 Bremen , Germany
18. Eastman Chemical Company , Building 54D , 200 South Wilcox Drive , Kingsport , TN 37660 , USA
19. Department of Chemical Engineering , Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Cretus Institute , 15782 Santiago de Compostela , Spain
20. AspenTech , 20 Crosby Drive , Bedford , MA 01730 , USA
21. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Royal Military College of Canada , P.O. Box 17000 , Stn Forces , Kingston , K7K 7B4 ON , Canada