Experimental and analytical study on the behavior of hybrid GFRP/steel bars in reinforced concrete deep beams


Shoeib Ata El-Kareim1,Arafa Ahmed Noureldean Mohamed2,El Rady Ramy Abd El-Hakeem Abd3,Tawhed Waleed Mohamed Fouad1


1. Civil Engineering Department , Helwan University , Egypt

2. Civil Engineering Department , Sohag University , Egypt

3. Faculty of Engineering , Helwan University , Egypt


Abstract The deep beam is one of the essential members of high-rise buildings structures, so the deep beams are used as a transfer girder; in walls water structures, the deep beam behavior is different from the slender beam behavior; the deep beam plane section before does not remain plane after bending. In recent years, the use of FRP as a composite material in reinforced concrete structures has been growing up to cover problems by weight of structure buildings, corrosion, repairing, and construction cost. This paper presents an experimental, analytical study to assign the variation of mechanical properties of reinforced concrete deep beams using vertical and horizontal GFRP stirrups. This paper investigates the mechanical properties of test specimens for deep beams reinforced in shear with GFRP or steel bars as web reinforcement. The deep beams are reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) in various ratios as a web reinforcement configuration (0, 0.25%, and 0.40%) rather than traditional steel web reinforcement. All tested specimens have the same span to depth ratio of 0.40 (a/d); the primary and secondary reinforcement is steel bars. The web reinforcement ratio significantly affected deep beams’ load capacity and mechanical behavior. The GFRP enhancement the mechanical behavior of the reinforced concrete deep. Increasing the GFRP web reinforcement ratio enhances the deep beam load capacity. The test results compared with the traditional ACI design method strut-tie model to demonstrate the effect of web reinforcement ratio on deep beam load capacity and strut width. The test results have been verified by ABAQUS 6.13.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Mechanics of Materials,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Aerospace Engineering,Building and Construction,Civil and Structural Engineering,Architecture,Computational Mechanics

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