1. AGH-University of Science and Technology , 30 Mickiewicza Av. , 30-059 Krakow , Poland
2. Institute of Geosciences, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences , Vilnius University , 21/27 M.K. Čiurlionio Str. , LT-03101 Vilnius , Lithuania
3. State Enterprise “Lithuanian Assay Office” 70 Žirmūnų Str. , LT-09124 Vilnius , Lithuania
4. The Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute , 4 Rakowiecka Str. , 00-975 Warsaw , Poland
5. 10 Beskidzka Str. , 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie , Poland
6. Faculty of Geography , Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin , 21 Kosmonavtov Boul. , 224016 Brest , Republic of Belarus