1. Department of Basic Sciences, General Administration of the Preparatory Year, King Faisal University , P.O. Box 400 , Al-Ahsa 31982 , Saudi-Arabia
2. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of science, King Faisal University , P.O. Box 400 , Al Ahsa 31982 , Saudi-Arabia
3. Department of Humanities and Basic Sciences, MCS, National University of Sciences and Technology , Islamabad , Pakistan
4. Department of Humanities and Sciences, SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology , Islamabad , Pakistan
5. School of Humanities and Sciences, College of Aeronautical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology , Islamabad , Pakistan
6. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science, Taif University , P.O. Box 11099 , Taif 21944 , Saudi Arabia