Functionalized graphene-based nanocomposites for smart optoelectronic applications


Sagadevan Suresh1,Shahid Muhammad Mehmood2,Yiqiang Zhan2,Oh Won-Chun3,Soga Tetsuo4,Anita Lett Jayasingh5,Alshahateet Solhe F.6,Fatimah Is7,Waqar Ahmed8,Paiman Suriati9,Johan Mohd Rafie1


1. Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre, University of Malaya , Kuala Lumpur 50603 , Malaysia

2. Center of Micro-Nano System, School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University , Shanghai , 200433 , China

3. Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Hanseo University, Seosan-Si , Chungnam 356-706 , Republic of Korea

4. Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-Cho, Showa-Ku , Nagoya 466-8555 , Japan

5. Department of Physics, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology , Chennai 600119 , Tamil Nadu , India

6. Department of Chemistry, Mutah University , P.O. Box 7 , Mutah 61710 , Karak , Jordan

7. Chemistry Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia , Kampus Terpadu UII, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14, Sleman , Yogyakarta 55584 , Indonesia

8. Institute of Advance Studies, University of Malaya , Kuala Lumpur 50603 , Malaysia

9. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia , 43400, Serdang , Selangor , Malaysia


Abstract The recent increase in the use of graphene and its derivatives is due to their exceptional physicochemical, electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties as the industrial materials developed by involving graphene structures can fulfill future needs. In that view, the potential use of these graphene-containing nanomaterials in electronics applications has encouraged in-depth exploration of the electronic, conducting, and other functional properties. The protecting undifferentiated form of graphene has similarly been proposed for various applications, for example, as supercapacitors, photovoltaic and transparent conductors, touch screen points, optical limiters, optical frequency converters, and terahertz devices. The hybrid composite nanomaterials that undergo stimulus-induced optical and electrical changes are important for many new technologies based on switchable devices. As a two-dimensional smart electronic material, graphene has received widespread attention, and with that view, we aim to cover the various types of graphene oxide (GO)-based composites, linking their optical and electrical properties with their structural and morphological ones. We believe that the topics covered in this review can shed light on the development of high-yield GO-containing electronic materials, which can be fabricated as the field moves forward and makes more significant advances in smart optoelectronic devices.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Surfaces, Coatings and Films,Process Chemistry and Technology,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Biomaterials,Medicine (miscellaneous),Biotechnology







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