Modeling of air flow in industrial rooms


Yurkevych Yuriy1,Sukholova Iryna2,Kasynets Mariana2


1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Heat, Gas Supply and Ventilation, Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering , Lviv , Ukraine

2. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Heat, Gas Supply and Ventilation, Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering Lviv , Ukraine


Abstract The article is devoted to the air distribution in a room by swirl and laying air jets. Dynamic parameters of air flow that is created due to swirl and laying air jets at their leakage in a room has been determined. The mathematical model of air supply with swirl and laying air jets in the industrial rooms is improved. Simulation of air flow is performed due to CFD FLUENT (Ansys FLUENT). Solution of the equation by using k-ε model of turbulence is presented. Dynamic parameters of air flow that is created due to swirl and laying air jets at their leakage at variable regime and creation of dynamic microclimate in a room has been determined. Results of experimental investigations of air supply into the room by air distribution device which creates swirl air jets for creation more intensive turbulence air flow in the room are presented. The results of theoretical researches of influence of dynamic microclimate to the human organism are presented.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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