1. 1. Bobrinskoy, B. Le Mystère de la Trinité. Cours de théologie orthodoxe. Cerf, Paris, 1986.
2. 2. Boff, L. La Trinidad, la Sociedad y la Liberación. Transl. A. O. García. Ediciones Paulinas, Madrid, 1987.
3. 3. Bokulich, A. Bohr’s Correspondence Principle. In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. E. N. Zalta (ed.). (Spring 2014 Edition), URL = .
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5. 5. Browne Ch. G., and Swallow, J. E. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series. vol. 7. Christian Literature Publ. Co., Buffalo, NY, 1894 (electronic edition by K. Knight at New Advent) http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3102.htm.