AbstractThe ratio of juvenile wood (jW) to mature wood (mW) is relevant for structural wood applications because of their different properties. Near infrared-hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HI) indicates after calibration, the spatial distribution of jW and mW, and this approach is less time consuming than the established micro X-ray densitometry (μXRD). In the present study, a comparative detection of the jW and mW ofPinus sylvestrisL. was performed by NIR-HI and μXRD and the NIR-HI results were evaluated in combination with three chemometric approaches, namely, the principal component analysis (PCA), partitional k-means unsupervised classification (p-k-mUC) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) in the range of 900–1700 nm. The best NIR-HI results can be obtained when the transition point of earlywood (EW) and latewood (LW) are assessed separately by PLS-DA. The presented results are useful for an automating data evaluation and simplified data collection.
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13 articles.