An Operator Extension of Čebyšev Inequality


Moradi Hamid Reza1,Omidvar Mohsen Erfanian1,Dragomir Silvestru Sever2


1. Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad , Iran

2. College of Engineering & Science, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne City , MC 8001, Australia


Abstract Some operator inequalities for synchronous functions that are related to the čebyšev inequality are given. Among other inequalities for synchronous functions it is shown that ∥ø(f(A)g(A)) - ø(f(A))ø(g(A))∥ ≤ max{║ø(f2(A)) - ø2(f(A))║, ║ø)G2(A)) - ø2(g(A))║} where A is a self-adjoint and compact operator on B(ℋ ), f, g ∈ C (sp (A)) continuous and non-negative functions and ø: B(ℋ ) → B(ℋ ) be a n-normalized bounded positive linear map. In addition, by using the concept of quadruple D-synchronous functions which is generalizes the concept of a pair of synchronous functions, we establish an inequality similar to čebyšev inequality.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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