1. Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien – IWT , Badgasteiner Str. 3, 28359 Bremen , Germany
Objectives in the field of lightweight construction can be achieved by changing the component design, among other things. However, a design suitable for production would have to be taken into account, since serious distortion problems can occur after the final heat treatment due to reduced stiffness or asymmetries in the mass distribution. To illustrate this problem area, case hardening experiments using the example of a weight-reduced counter gear made of 20MnCr5 were carried out and have shown significantly different distortion behavior depending on the geometry and process parameters. However, it is difficult or even impossible to understand such a distortion behavior only through experiments, since many different variables can be responsible for dimensional and shape changes. In this context, a simulation tool can be very helpful to identify important variables that cause dimensional and shape changes and to understand the associated processes. This paper attempts to answer some open questions that arise from experiments on distortion behavior through simulations. ◼
Materials Chemistry,Metals and Alloys,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
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5 articles.