Analytical solution for unsteady flow behind ionizing shock wave in a rotational axisymmetric non-ideal gas with azimuthal or axial magnetic field




1. Department of Mathematics , Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology , Allahabad 211004 , India


Abstract The approximate analytical solution for the propagation of gas ionizing cylindrical blast (shock) wave in a rotational axisymmetric non-ideal gas with azimuthal or axial magnetic field is investigated. The axial and azimuthal components of fluid velocity are taken into consideration and these flow variables, magnetic field in the ambient medium are assumed to be varying according to the power laws with distance from the axis of symmetry. The shock is supposed to be strong one for the ratio C 0 V s 2 ${\left(\frac{{C}_{0}}{{V}_{s}}\right)}^{2}$ to be a negligible small quantity, where C 0 is the sound velocity in undisturbed fluid and V S is the shock velocity. In the undisturbed medium the density is assumed to be constant to obtain the similarity solution. The flow variables in power series of C 0 V s 2 ${\left(\frac{{C}_{0}}{{V}_{s}}\right)}^{2}$ are expanded to obtain the approximate analytical solutions. The first order and second order approximations to the solutions are discussed with the help of power series expansion. For the first order approximation the analytical solutions are derived. In the flow-field region behind the blast wave the distribution of the flow variables in the case of first order approximation is shown in graphs. It is observed that in the flow field region the quantity J 0 increases with an increase in the value of gas non-idealness parameter or Alfven-Mach number or rotational parameter. Hence, the non-idealness of the gas and the presence of rotation or magnetic field have decaying effect on shock wave.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy,Mathematical Physics







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