Zur πειθώ des Gesetzgebers in Platons Nomoi


Mülke Markus1


1. Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau Germany


Abstract In his last work, the Nomoi, Plato outlines the rule of the law as the best possible politeia of human coexistence. This rule particularly requires the convincing speech of the legislator: The actual validity of the law does not depend solely on whether it is itself good, but also crucially on whether the citizens, out of inner conviction, accept it as good and therefore obey it. Stronger than the law, which only enforces compliance with it and threatens to punish any violations, is the law, the meaning and benefits of which the legislator justifies credibly and convincingly to all citizens in his (written) legislation.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

Reference55 articles.

1. Annas, Julia: Virtue and Law in Plato. In: Bobonich, Christopher (Hrsg.): Platoʼs Laws. A Critical Guide. Cambridge 2010 (= Cambridge Critical Guides), 71–91.

2. Barbarić, Damir: „Die möglichst schöne und zumal beste Tragödie“. Über den geschichtsphilosophischen Hintergrund der Nomoi. In: Zehnpfennig, Barbara: Die Herrschaft der Gesetze und die Herrschaft des Menschen – Platons „Nomoi“. Berlin 2008 (= Politisches Denken. Jahrbuch 2008), 225–241.

3. Bernadete, Seth: Plato’s „Laws“. The Discovery of Being. Chicago/London 2000.

4. Bobonich, Christopher: Persuasion, Compulsion and Freedom in Plato’s Laws. In: The Classical Quarterly 41 (1991) 365–387.

5. Bobonich, Christopher: Plato’s Utopia Recast. His Later Ethics and Politics. Oxford 2002.








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