New quaternary selenides Tl4Sb8Sn5Se24 and Tl5Sb2Sn4Se14−x (x=0.5)
Barchiy Ihor1, Sabov Marian1, Pavlyuk Volodymyr23, Stetskiv Andrij4, Marciniak Bernard3, Różycka-Sokołowska Ewa3, Sabov Victoria1
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry , Uzhhorod National University , Pidgirna Street, 46, 88000 Uzhgorod , Ukraine 2. Department of Inorganic Chemistry , Ivan Franko Lviv National University , Kyryla, and Mefodiya Street, 6, 79005 , Lviv , Ukraine 3. Institute of Chemistry, Jan Dlugosz, University , al. Armii Krajowej 13/15, 42-200 Czestochowa , Poland 4. Department of Chemistry , Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University , Galytska Street 2, 76018 Ivano-Frankivsk , Ukraine
Synthesis, structural characterization and chemical bonding peculiarities of two new quaternary selenides of the Tl4Sb8Sn5Se24 and Tl5Sb2Sn4Se14−x (x = 0.5) are reported. The crystal structures of these compounds were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The Tl4Sb8Sn5Se24 phase is a new structure type and crystallizes in the triclinic P 1̅ space group (a = 7.9061(13) Å, b = 13.9035(16) Å, c = 21.4665(17) Å, α = 80.058(8)°, β = 84.727(10)°, γ = 73.542(12)°, wR
2 = 0.0258, 8200 F
2 values, 373 variables). The Tl5Sb2Sn4Se14−x (x = 0.5) phase represents a new structure type with a tetragonal unit cell (P 4/mbm, a = 8.1570(10) Å, c = 21.946(3) Å, wR
2 = 0.0346, 1953 F
2 values, 44 variables). Crystallographic analysis together with linear muffin-tin orbital band structure calculations reveals that both structures we conform to the concept of Zintl-Klemm and exhibit semiconductor properties.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Inorganic Chemistry,Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science
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