1. A healthy and sustainable environment for future generations; http://europa.eu/pol/env/index_en.htm.
2. Commission Communication of 27 May 2003 “Towards a thematic strategy on the prevention and recycling of waste” [COM (2003)301- Official Journal C 76, 25 March 2004], http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/other/l28151_en.htm.
3. Communication from the Commission of 1 October 2003 – Towards a Thematic Strategy on the sustainable use of natural resources [COM(2003) 572- not published in the Official Journal].
4. Communication from the Commission of 19 October 2007 – Agenda for a sustainable and competitive European tourism [COM(2007) 621 final – Not published in the Official Journal]; http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/environment/sustainable_development/l10132_en.htm.
5. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament of 2 July 2008 “2007 Environment policy review” [COM(2008) 409 final – Not published in the Official Journal].