Short evaluation of eggplant production and variety usage in Romania – short overview and perspectives


Kovács András1,Szappanyos Levente1,Ledó Darázsi Hajnalka1,Felföldi Zoltán1,Szabó Csanád-Tas1


1. Agrosel SRL, Câmpia Turzii, Romania


Abstract Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) became wide-spread after the First World War in Romania. The most important growing areas of this plant are located in the southern, south-eastern, and south-western parts of Romania and are usually cultivated on open fields as well as in unheated greenhouses. In the past, only Romanian OP varieties were grown. Over the past ten years, requirements of eggplant varieties have increasingly shifted towards productivity, uniformity, and high tolerance to stress factors, diseases, and pests. Therefore, the cultivation of hybrids and the disappearance of Romanian OP cultivars have intensified. Due to monoculture practice, the soil was attacked by pathogens in many areas. As a result, grafting became necessary to be put into practice. Consumption of eggplants is about 4.5 kg per person per year in Romania and they are consumed in many different ways such as baked, grilled, or as a special cream. Agrosel SRL has gained a significant role in supplying the Romanian vegetable seed market over the past twenty years and has started its own hybrid programme to renew eggplant production in Romania.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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