Quantitative assessment of the scope of content of selected topographic maps of Polish lands from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century


Panecki Tomasz1


1. University of Warsaw , Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing , Warsaw , Poland


Abstract The author presents an overview of the scope of content of selected topographic maps of Polish lands from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century in its quantitative aspect. 19 maps were analysed and a common conceptual model linked to the Database of Topographic Objects (DBTO10k) was developed on the basis of catalogues of object types. Quantitative statistics were also prepared for the object types from maps before and after harmonization. Differences between their numbers within the same maps reflect the conceptual variety of said maps. The number of types of objects (before and after harmonization) was then juxtaposed with selected thematic layers: water network, transport network, land cover, buildings, structures, and equipment, land use complexes, localities and other objects. Such factors as scales, publication dates and topographic services which created analysed maps were also taken into consideration. Additionally, the analysed maps demonstrate uneven levels of generalization. Inclusion of objects typical for large-scale cartography on topographic and general maps is one of the distinctive features.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Cell Biology,Developmental Biology,Embryology,Anatomy

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