1. *: Items preceded by an asterisk * relate specifically to Elizabeth Elstob.
2. *Ashdown, Margaret. 1925. “Elizabeth Elstob, the Learned Saxonist”. Modern Language Review 20: 125–146. Cp. Gretsch (1999: 187–190).
3. Ball, Johnson. 1973. William Caslon 1693–1766. Kineton: Roundwood Press.
4. Bede. 1643. Historiæ Ecclesiasticæ Gentis Anglorum Libri V a Venerabili Beda Presbytero scripti; Chronologia Anglo-Saxonica. Ed. Abraham Wheelock. Cambridge: Roger Daniel. Wing B1661. [= Appendix C 1643.1]
5. Berry, William Turner and Alfred Forbes Johnson. 1935. Catalogue of Specimens of Printing Types by English and Scottish Printers and Founders 1665–1830. London: Oxford University Press.