P1, P3-(5′-Guanosyl-5″-[14C]adenosyl) triphosphat: Darstellung der Kappenmutterverbindung sowie deren Abbauverhalten gegenüber subzellulären Fraktionen der Rattenleberzelle / P1, P3-(5′-Guanosyl-5″-[14C] adenosyl) triphosphate: Preparation of the Cap Parent Compound and Its Catabolic Properties towards Rat Liver Subcellular Fractions
Bomemann Siegmar1,
Schlimme Eckhard1
1. 1Laboratorium für Biologische Chemie im Fachgebiet Organische Chemie der Universität, Gesamthochschule, Paderborn, W arburger Straße 100, Bauteil J, D-4790 Paderborn
Abstract We report on the chemical preparation of 14C-labeled P1, P3-(5′-guanosyl-5″-adenosyl) triphosphate (1) which is the parent compound of 5′-terminal cap structures of most eukaryotic mRNAs.Incubation experiments of cap (1)- and non cap-structured nucleotides as Ap2A (2) as well as their ribose ring opened derivatives (3, 4) with rat liver subcellular fractions show that capdegrading nucleases being able to unblock 5′ termini are present in nuclei but not in mitochondria.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
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