Das Problem der Irreversibilität im Rahmen eines verallgemeinerten Entropiebegriffs


Engelmann Folker1,Feix Marc1,Minardi Ettore1,Oxenius Joachim1


1. Groupe de Recherche de l’Association EURATOM–CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses (Seine), France


In view of the fact that physical measurements represent transmission of information, a general definition based on the measure of “lack of knowledge” in information theory can be introduced for different entropies each of them corresponding to one particular kind of measurement. By means of this entropy concept the problem of the consistency of microscopic reversibility and macroscopic irreversibility is studied. Under certain conditions it can be shown that the reversible microscopic equation of motion leads to the result that all entropies corresponding to “reduced” quantities, i.e. to quantities which do not determine the microscopic state of the system completely, can never decrease. However, it is to be noted that this behaviour is symmetric in time, in the classical as well as in the quantum mechanical case. Irreversibility is so related on the one hand to incomplete description of a system, but on the other also to the fact that theoretical statements can be verified by experiments in the future only. The validity of the results obtained within the framework of ensemble theory for a single physical system is discussed. As applications of the general ideas a system of free particles and the BOLTZMANN gas are treated.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,General Physics and Astronomy,Mathematical Physics

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