1. Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48, Vassileos Constantinou, Ave., Athens 116-35, Greece
2. Department of Physics, University of Patras, Patras 26505, Greece
The air-stable unsymmetrical complexes Ni(dt)(dmit), Ni(dt)(dmio), Ni(tmdt)(dmit), Ni(tmdt)(dmio), Ni(etdt)(dmit), Ni(etdt)(dmio), Ni(ptdt)(dmit), and Ni(ptdt)(dmio) (where dmit is 1,3-dithiol-2-thione-4,5-dithiolate, dmio is 1,3-dithiol-2-one-4,5-dithiolate, dt is tetrathiafulvalendithiolate, tmdt is trimethylenetetrathiafulvalenedithiolate, etdt is ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalenedithiolate, and ptdt is propylenedithiotetrathiafulvalenedithiolate) were prepared and characterized analytically, electrochemically and spectroscopically. In the solid state, the compounds exhibit optical absorption edges between 0.70 and 0.82 eV. Their LUMO and HOMO levels occur at ca. 4.5 and 5.3 eV, respectively.