1. Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz , Mainz , Germany
2. Institut für Slavistik, Turkologie und zirkumbaltische Studien , Mainz , Germany
AbstractOf similative origin, Polishjakobyderives from the connectivejako‘how, that’ univerbated with the irrealis encliticby. From the earliest attested stages (late 14th century) into the 17th century,jakobywas used as a comparison marker and as a subordinator of manner or purpose clauses. The former use has persisted, and the latter was ousted. After the 16th centuryjakobyfurther evolved into a reportive marker, as a particle or complementizer. Contrary to what pathways explaining the connection between similative and evidential marking would suggest,jakoby’s now predominant function as a reportive marker was apparently not prepared by inferential use, nor was its complementizer function mediated by a purpose function. Instead, purpose and reportive complementizers belong to different “branches”, both of which can be motivated by an indiscriminate similative-manner function. The evidence in favor of this derives from a systematic evaluation of extant research and a corpus study covering almost the entire period from 1600 to our day. A crucial moment to understandingjakoby’s functional changes is the insight that similatives can acquire propositional scope prior to entering the evidential domain and marking a metonymic relation between speech acts and epistemic attitudes expressed by the former.
Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics
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