Phrasal subcomparatives: a comparative coordination analysis based on evidence from Basque, Spanish, and English


Vela-Plo Laura1ORCID


1. Laura Vela-Plo, Micaela Portilla Research Center, Office 3.7, University of the Basque Country , Vitoria-Gasteiz. , Spain


AbstractBy analyzing an understudied type of comparative, namely, subcomparatives with surface-phrasal standards of comparison, this article offers an answer to three long-debated questions regarding the internal structure and semantic composition of comparative constructions in opposition to traditional assumptions and reductionist analyses. First I offer syntactic tests evidencing the non-clausal status of the standard in these subcomparatives in Basque, Spanish and English. Second, regarding the question of the linkage type between the compared elements (either a dependence relation or a coordination relation), I present previous and novel syntactic evidence showing that phrasal subcomparatives invariably behave like common phrasal coordinates. Therefore, I defend an architecture of these comparatives involving a phrasal coordinate structure and offer a transparent mapping between the surface syntax and semantic interpretation of these constructions. Third, subcomparatives involve the obligatory omission of a measure modifier from the standard. This process known ascomparative subdeletioncannot be explained as the result ofwh-movement within a clause, given the non-clausal status of the standard. Alternatively, comparative subdeletion is defined not as anad hocdeletion rule but rather as the result of an obligatory deletion operation independently attested in common coordinate structures.


Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MiCIU) / Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Eusko Jaurlaritza

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital, Gobierno de España


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

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