1. Department of Mathematics , Iowa State University , Ames, IA 50011, USA
The distance matrix 𝒟(G) of a connected graph G is the matrix containing the pairwise distances between vertices. The transmission of a vertex vi in G is the sum of the distances from vi to all other vertices and T(G) is the diagonal matrix of transmissions of the vertices of the graph. The normalized distance Laplacian, 𝒟(G) = I−T(G)−1/2 𝒟(G)T(G)−1/2, is introduced. This is analogous to the normalized Laplacian matrix, (G) = I − D(G)−1/2
A(G)D(G)−1/2, where D(G) is the diagonal matrix of degrees of the vertices of the graph and A(G) is the adjacency matrix. Bounds on the spectral radius of 𝒟 and connections with the normalized Laplacian matrix are presented. Twin vertices are used to determine eigenvalues of the normalized distance Laplacian. The distance generalized characteristic polynomial is defined and its properties established. Finally, 𝒟-cospectrality and lack thereof are determined for all graphs on 10 and fewer vertices, providing evidence that the normalized distance Laplacian has fewer cospectral pairs than other matrices.
Geometry and Topology,Algebra and Number Theory
Reference22 articles.
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9 articles.