1. Departamento de Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas, Facultad de Filología , Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia , Madrid , Spain
2. University of Kent , Canterbury , UK
This study investigated the incidental learning of collocations in two reading modes (reading-only (RO), reading-while-listening (RWL)), taking into account additional learner- and collocation-related predictors of learning (e.g., congruency). An academic text was used, as this could be a useful source for vocabulary learning for university-level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Sixty-eight advanced Spanish EFL learners read a text containing 14 target collocations, in the RO or the RWL condition. Learning gains were measured in terms of form recall and form recognition. Results showed that collocations can be learnt incidentally from reading. While reading mode did not influence learning, congruency and prior vocabulary knowledge improved form recall, emphasising the importance of features specific to individual learners and collocations for vocabulary learning.