What does the processing of chunks by learners of Chinese tell us? An acceptability judgment investigation


Lu Xiaolong1,Wang Jue2


1. Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA

2. Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, USA


Abstract Chunks are multi-word sequences that constitute an important component of the mental lexicon. In second language (L2) acquisition, chunking is essential for attaining fluency and idiomaticity. In the present study, in order to examine whether chunks provide a processing advantage over non-chunks for L2 learners at different levels of proficiency, three groups (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) English-speaking learners of Chinese participated in an online acceptability judgment task and a familiarity rating task. Our results revealed that the participants in all three groups processed chunks faster and with fewer errors than they did non-chunks. It was also found that the observed processing advantage of chunks could not be explained by a familiarity effect alone, thus suggesting that L2 learners across the board store chunks as holistic units. The implications of chunk instruction in relation to input frequency and variability in L2 settings are also discussed.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

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