1. Department of Forest Engineering , Federal University of Rondônia - UNIR , Av. Norte Sul, Nova Morada , Rolim de Moura , RO , CEP 76940-000, Brazil
2. Agricultural Sciences Center, Federal University of the Semiarid – UFERSA , Av. Francisco Mota, 572, Costa e Silva , Mossoró , RN , CEP 59625-900, Brazil
3. Office for Development of the Cocoa Region of the State of Rondônia, Executive Commission for the Cocoa Crop Plan – CEPLAC , BR - 364, km 325 , Ouro Preto do Oeste , RO , CEP 35400-000, Brazil
4. Department of Forest Engineering , Agricultural Sciences Academic Unit, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN , RN-160, Km 03, District of Jundiaí , Macaíba , RN , CEP 59280-000, Brazil