1. Researcher, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
2. Professor, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
3. Associate Professor, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Constructions of meander slow-wave systems with additional shields grounded at different positions are presented. The construction of meander slow-wave systems with additional shields grounded at both edges is investigated in detail. The influence of the main constructive parameters on the electrical characteristics of meander slow-wave systems with additional shields grounded at both edges is evaluated. The main constructive parameters of the investigated system are: the length of the conductor, the width of meander conductor, the width of additional shield, and the width of the gap between adjacent meander conductors.
Sonnet® software package, which is based on the method of moments, has been used during the investigation. The results of the influence of constructive parameters to the phase delay time, input impedance, and the width of pass-band of the system are discussed.
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