1. Department of Mathematics and Statistics , Memorial University of Newfoundland , St. John’s, NL A1C 5S7, P.O. Box 4200 , Newfoundland , Canada
For a smooth manifold X equipped with a volume form, let 𝓛0 (X) be the Lie algebra of volume preserving smooth vector fields on X. Lichnerowicz proved that the abelianization of 𝓛0 (X) is a finite-dimensional vector space, and that its dimension depends only on the topology of X. In this paper we provide analogous results for some classical examples of non-singular complex affine algebraic varieties with trivial canonical bundle, which include certain algebraic surfaces and linear algebraic groups. The proofs are based on a remarkable result of Grothendieck on the cohomology of affine varieties, and some techniques that were introduced with the purpose of extending the Andersén–Lempert theory, which was originally developed for the complex spaces ℂ
, to the larger class of Stein manifolds that satisfy the density property.