Lie algebras of conservation laws of variational partial differential equations


Fiorani Emanuele1,Germani Sandra2,Spiro Andrea1


1. Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie , Università di Camerino , Via Madonna delle Carceri 9, 62032 Camerino (Macerata) , Italy

2. Via V. Alfieri 2, 30028 , Spinea (Venezia) , Italy


Abstract We establish a version of Noether’s first Theorem according to which the (equivalence classes of) conserved quantities of given Euler–Lagrange equations in several independent variables are in one-to-one correspondence with the (equivalence classes of) vector fields satisfying an appropriate pair of geometric conditions, namely: (a) they preserve the class of vector fields tangent to holonomic submanifolds of a jet space; (b) they leave invariant the action from which the Euler–Lagrange equations are derived, modulo terms identically vanishing along holonomic submanifolds. Such a bijective correspondence Φ͠ between equivalence classes comes from an explicit (non-bijective) linear map Φ from vector fields into conserved differential operators, and not from a map into divergences of conserved operators as it occurs in other proofs of Noether’s Theorem. Where possible, claims are given a coordinate-free formulation and all proofs rely just on basic differential geometric properties of finite-dimensional manifolds.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Geometry and Topology

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