Tropical Poincaré duality spaces


Aksnes Edvard1


1. University of Oslo , Moltke Moes vei 35 , Oslo , Norway


Abstract The tropical fundamental class of a rational balanced polyhedral fan induces cap products between tropical cohomology and tropical Borel–Moore homology. When all these cap products are isomorphisms, the fan is said to be a tropical Poincaré duality space. If all the stars of faces also are such spaces, such as for fans of matroids, the fan is called a local tropical Poincaré duality space. In this article, we first give some necessary conditions for fans to be tropical Poincaré duality spaces and a classification in dimension one. Next, we prove that tropical Poincaré duality for the stars of all faces of dimension greater than zero and a vanishing condition implies tropical Poincaré duality of the fan. This leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for a fan to be a local tropical Poincaré duality space. Finally, we use such fans to show that certain abstract balanced polyhedral spaces satisfy tropical Poincaré duality.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Geometry and Topology

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