1. Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie , Universität Münster , Corrensstrasse 28 , Münster 48149 , Germany
2. Inorganic Solid State Chemistry , Saarland University , Campus C4.1 , Saarbrücken 66123 , Germany
Within the series of the equiatomic REAlRh compounds, the representatives with RE = Y, La–Nd, Gd, Ho, Tm and Yb have been synthesized. The members with RE = Sm, Tb, Dy, Er and Lu, however, had not yet been reported. They have now been synthesized and structurally as well as magnetically and NMR-spectroscopically characterized. All members crystallize isostructurally in the orthorhombic TiNiSi type, similar to most of the known analogues. The evolution of their unit cell volumes exhibits the expected decrease due to the lanthanide contraction. While LuAlRh shows Pauli-paramagnetic behavior, SmAlRh, TbAlRh, DyAlRh, ErAlRh, and TmAlRh exhibit antiferromagnetic ground states with Néel temperatures between T
N = 45 and 4 K. 27Al MAS-NMR investigations have been conducted on YAlRh and LuAlRh. The results of quantum-chemical calculations support the conclusions drawn from the NMR-spectroscopic study and give information on the charge distribution in these intermetallic aluminum metallides.
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