1. Albert Kahn’s Archives de la planète was an ambitious project to capture the world in color and in films. Kahn spent his fortune to send operators across the globe to take autochromes and films of all the different countries, people and landscapes. For more information: https://albert-kahn.hauts-deseine.fr/les-collections/presentation/photographies-et-films/les-archives-de-la-planete (last accessed August 11, 2022).
2. Trong Hiéu Dinh, Ronan Guinée, Guillaume Maylander and Emmanuel Poisson: Hanoï en couleurs 1914–1917 : Autochromes des Archives de la Planète, exh. cat. Institut français de Hanoi, December 9–January 11, 2014, Paris: Riveneuve 2014, p. 18.
3. Books on Busy have not dealt with the consequence of his work for the French government of Indochina, except for Franziska Scheuer: Bilder für den Frieden. Gestaltung und historischer Gebrauch der Autochrome des Multimediaensembles ,Les Archives de la planete‘ (1908–1931), Dissertation, Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2020.
4. Information from Léon Busy’s military file from the Service historique de la Défense in Vincennes, France, inventory number: SHD GR6 YE 52391.
5. Ibid.