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2. Bakhtin, Michail. 1986. The problem of the text in linguistics, philology, and the human sciences: An experiment in philosophical analysis. In Caryl. Emerson & Michael Holquist (eds.), Vern V. McGee (transl.). Speech genres and other late essays, 103–131. Austin: University of Texas Press. Original published 1979.
3. Bakhtin, Michail M. 1973. Problems of Dostoevsky’s poetics. R. William Rotsel (transl.). Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis. Original published 1929.
4. Cassirer, Ernst. A. 1945. Structuralism in modern linguistics. WORD 1(2). 99–120. https://doi.org/10.1080/00437956.1945.11659249.
5. Deleuze, Gilles & Felix Guattari. 2011. A thousand plateaus. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.