Family(jiārénmen) is not a family: a study on the construction of pragmatic identities in the generalization of Internet address term “jiārénmen”


Wang Junling1ORCID,Mao Yansheng2ORCID,Zhao Kaihang2ORCID


1. Department of English , 47822 Harbin Institute of Technology , Harbin , Hei Longjiang Province , P.R. China

2. School of Foreign Studies , Harbin Engineering University , Harbin , Hei Longjiang Province , P.R. China


Abstract This paper examines the generalization of the Internet address term “family” (jiārénmen), a recently emerging phenomenon in language use from the perspective of Pragmatic Identity Theory. The main thrust of this research is to reveal the pragmatic identities and pragmatic functions involved in the use of “family” (jiārénmen). The core point has been arrived at by using a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses to explore relevant cases collected from WeChat, Weibo, and in-person conversations. Research findings demonstrated that in different contexts, the address term “family” (jiārénmen) can construct various pragmatic identities, all of which belong to the deviational identity opposite to the default identity. Notably, the construction of these identities functions to patch up address terms slot, promote relationships, and satisfy transactional needs. Furthermore, the generalization of the address term “family” (jiārénmen) mirrors the effect of the psychological mechanism of communicators and the Chinese family culture on discourse practice. The findings above contribute to extending the research line of Internet address term generalization, as well as a deeper understanding of the mechanism of the Internet address term “family” (jiārénmen) towards a harmonious language-using environment.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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